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Webinar Replay

2024 Megatrends & Workplace Predictions

UKG offers our latest predictions on the biggest trends organizations can leverage for a competitive advantage in 2024.

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Megatrends Predictions

We are at an inflection point regarding the future of work and the people who do it. Organizations can achieve a competitive advantage in 2024 by reaffirming their commitment to their employees and the communities they serve. But they are going to have to do more than offer vague promises and carefully crafted corporate statements — they must walk the talk and put real change into action. In this session, we will explore the three significant workplace opportunities that can serve as a roadmap for organizations ready to take such decisive action.

Learning objectives:

  • Redefining the Employee/Employer Relationship: There is no one size that fits all
  • From Buying and Borrowing to Building and Mining: Introducing a 4th option into the traditional skills acquisition matrix
  • The Impending ESG “Gut Check”: Intensifying political culture wars are putting business’ ESG initiatives under a microscope

Enjoy this webinar replay from the January 2024 HR & Payroll eSymposium. Note: This webinar replay is not pre-approved for recertification credits; please self-submit where applicable to request credit approval.