Building Your Professional Network from Scratch

Building your professional network from scratch

In today’s competitive professional landscape, networking is often considered a crucial element for both career success and mobility. However, for early career professionals who may not have an established network, the prospect of building connections from scratch can be daunting. If you can relate, here are seven strategic steps from Lindsye Proud, a Senior Talent Acquisition Partner focused on early career recruitment and hiring at UKG. These steps can help you cultivate a professional network, even if you are starting from scratch.  

1. Define your goals and brand 

Before embarking on your networking journey, take time to define your career goals and personal brand. Knowing what you want to achieve and the value you bring to the table will help direct your networking efforts. Craft an elevator pitch that succinctly introduces who you are, your skills, and your goals. This will serve as a powerful tool when you start engaging with other professionals. 

2. Leverage online platforms 

Online platforms are a goldmine for networking opportunities. Create and optimize your LinkedIn profile. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions, share content you find interesting and insightful, and connect with professionals in your desired industry. You can also use industry-specific forums to broaden your digital presence.  

3. Attend networking events 

Networking events are excellent opportunities to meet people in your industry face-to-face. Look for conferences, seminars, workshops, and meetups related to your field of interest. Even if it feels intimidating at first, attending these events can expose you to a wide range of professionals. Have your elevator pitch prepared, ask open-ended questions, and remember, everyone is there to network!  

"Mentorship is a powerful aspect of professional growth."

Lindsye Proud, Senior Talent acquisition partner at UKG


4. Seek mentorship 

Mentorship is a powerful aspect of professional growth. Identify individuals whom you admire and respect and reach out to them. Many professionals are open to sharing their experiences and insights with emerging talent. Be genuine in expressing your admiration for their work and your eagerness to learn. A mentor can provide valuable guidance, insight, and support.  

5. Informational interviews 

Informational interviews are a low-pressure way to connect with professionals and learn more about their careers. Identify individuals whose careers align with your interests and request a short meeting to discuss their experiences. Prepare thoughtful questions, show genuine interest, and use the opportunity to build a connection. Even if it doesn’t lead to an immediate job opportunity, you’re building a connection with someone in your industry who will think of you the next time they hear of an opportunity.  

6. Volunteer or join professional organizations 

Volunteering for industry-related events or joining professional organizations can be a strategic move to build your network. By actively participating in these groups, you not only contribute to the community but also position yourself to connect with like-minded professionals. Whether it’s through organizing events, contributing to committees, or simply attending meetings, your involvement can lead to meaningful connections. 

7. Be persistent and patient 

Building a network takes time, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. Don’t get discouraged by initial setbacks or rejections. Follow up with the connections you make, express gratitude for their time and stay engaged in the community. Networking is an ongoing process and as you continue to invest time and effort, you will see your network begin to grow! 

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