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UKG Workforce Institute
Human Trafficking Is a Serious Problem. Here’s What HR Can Do About It.
Laurie Ruettimann, in her insightful piece, underscores the significant role HR departments have in battling human trafficking, against the backdrop of Women's History Month.
The Top ACA Requirements for Employers in 2024
What your smaller HR team needs to know about ACA requirements for employers to manage it accurately and minimize noncompliance risk.
UKG Workforce Institute
Using the PAPA Model to Manage Risk
Advisory board member Sharlyn Lauby discussing risk management, and uses a model called PAPA to help develop and manage a plan to mitigate potential risk. Risks are varied in terms of probability and how fast they evolve, and the PAPA model can help organizations prioritize the different types of risk it faces and put strategies in place to address them.
UKG Workforce Institute
The Festive Shift: Rethinking Alcohol’s Role in Corporate Holiday Parties
Corporate offices and HR teams worldwide buzz with anticipation for these events. Celebrating the year's achievements can be fun, but it comes with quirks, especially regarding alcohol.
UKG Workforce Institute
The Hidden Dangers of Employee Fatigue: Industry Insights
We're continuing the UKG Workforce Institute’s new series, Industry Insights, featuring practical strategies for professionals in specific industries, written by subject-matter experts in those industries.
UKG Workforce Institute
New Perspectives: Grieving the Loss of What We Considered Normal
From The Workforce Institute advisory board member and chief nurse executive at UKG, Nanne Finis: During these past three years, we have each lived with uncertainty. We have each been personally traumatized and many of us have lost loved ones or have friends who have. I believe that we are ready for new growth, new thinking, new patterns, and new perspective.
UKG Workforce Institute
Laughing Through Tears: How a Supportive Workplace Helps with Grief
Today, The Workforce Institute at UKG takes a break from our usual prescriptive approach to navigating workplace challenges. Below, we present two personal stories from guest contributors on how work, the workplace, and a little bit of laughter can help us cope with loss. If you are grieving, we hope these stories will demonstrate that you are not alone, and that work — from your manager to employee benefits to the physical workplace itself — can be a useful resource throughout this difficult process.
Workforce Management
Using Technology to Support Work-Life Balance for Nurses
What are the risks to patients, clinical staff, healthcare organizations/systems, and the industry as a whole if we fail to innovate critical systems? This blog shares eight design thinking principles all healthcare organizations should follow when developing clinical workload intensity systems.
Life-Work Trends
Why Are Women More Stressed Out Than Men?
Recent studies show women are struggling disproportionately to men when it comes to many aspects of their work experiences and overall mental health. While the “life” portion of the “work-life journey” is largely out of employers’ control, there are five significant steps employers can take to help ease pressures on women with the aim of providing more equity and support for everyone.
Life-Work Trends
Op-Ed: The Role of Tribal Instincts in the Misinformation Age
Employers have a significant role to play in creating a culture that is inclusive of all people to combat misinformation and improve society.