Governance and Business Ethics
Honoring our commitments to our employees, our customers, and the communities we serve by conducting business legally, ethically, transparently, and with integrity everywhere in the world we do business.
Policies and Standards
All UKG policies ensure that we follow the law while also setting forth the type of ethical conduct we expect from all our employees toward one another, our customers, and our suppliers. Knowing and understanding these business policies helps our employees navigate the business and ethical situations with the integrity that accurately represents our company culture and values. Our Employee Handbook, Human Rights Policy, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and Third-Party Code of Conduct articulate our commitment to respect, trust, and transparency across our operations, products, and communities.
Code of Conduct
The UKG Code of Conduct applies to all employees worldwide. Every U Krewer is required to acknowledge our Code of Conduct when they join UKG and annually thereafter. We don’t expect our employees to be experts in the law, but we do expect them to be familiar with laws that apply to them in their roles, to spot potential concerns, and to engage with the various resources that are available within UKG if they are unsure how to handle a particular situation or if they believe that something improper may have occurred.
Reporting Concerns
We firmly believe that the best people managers are those who trust, empower, develop, care for, and inspire their employees. UKG provides a comprehensive and confidential third-party hotline where employees may report potential violations of law, our Code of Conduct, company policies/standards, or other workplace misconduct or simply seek for guidance related to our policies and procedures. Those reports can be made anonymously, where permitted by law. When an allegation of violation of the law or a company policy is received, we take prompt action in accordance with the law and ethical business practices.
Anti-Harassment and Discrimination
We strive to create an environment where diversity, equity, and inclusion are celebrated. UKG does not tolerate any discriminatory treatment or harassment based upon race, color, national origin, religious belief, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability or perception of disability, past or present military service, physical appearance, or any other basis protected by federal, state/provincial, or applicable local law. Any reports of this conduct will be investigated by our human resources (HR) and legal departments and addressed appropriately. To further promote an inclusive workplace, employees participate in annual training on preventing harassment, discrimination, and human rights violations.
Human Rights
The UKG Human Rights Policy highlights our commitment to respecting internationally recognized human rights in our operations, which includes our employees and those in our supply chain, our products, and our communities.
This commitment is informed by our adherence to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. UKG aims to respect the rights of all individuals affected by our business and will work to address any adverse impacts that we may cause or to which we may contribute. We seek to mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to our operations, products, or services by our business relationships with third parties, including those in our supply chain. We also believe that we can serve as a catalyst for action by our partners.
Modern Slavery Statement
UKG complies with modern slavery-prevention laws, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (U.K.), and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Australia). We do not use underage labor, as defined under applicable law, and will not employ workers below the age of 18 in jobs that are likely to jeopardize their health and safety. UKG only uses voluntary labor and employees who have the proper work-related documentation, and we are otherwise committed to taking steps to ensure compliance with those laws. We require the same commitment from our suppliers. Please find more information on the complete UKG Modern Slavery Statement here.
Supply Chain Management
In order to maintain a culture where our partners support and practice our values on a basic level, all third parties with which we do business are required to comply with all laws, regulations, and professional standards that apply to their relationships with UKG. This includes but is not limited to laws, regulations, and standards related to employment and labor rights, anti-corruption, export control, health, safety, and environmental protections. In an effort to create this awareness within our supply base, UKG has launched a Supplier Relationship Management program designed to work with our key strategic suppliers to review their performance and develop strategic roadmaps that will assist in aligning our suppliers with our expected levels of professional standards.
Our Third-Party Code of Conduct describes our expectations with respect to anti-discrimination, modern slavery prevention, union membership, fair treatment, compensation and working hours, anti-corruption and gifting, confidentiality, intellectual property rights, privacy, grievance channels and non-retaliation, workplace safety, environmental responsibility, health and safety training and communication, and responsibly sourced materials.
Export Control Compliance
As a global company, UKG’s services, products, technologies, and solutions are subject to import, export, and other trade regulations under the laws of the US, EU, and the laws of other countries in which we do business.
- UKG’s services, products, technologies, and solutions are not available or permitted to be made available in the following countries or regions:
- Belarus
- Crimea Region
- Cuba
- Iran
- Luhansk, Kherson, Donetsk, and Zaporizhzhya regions of Ukraine
- North Korea
- Russia
- Sudan
- Syria
The above list of countries and regions may change from time to time, and therefore, customers are required to seek appropriate advice and consult relevant updates to the export control regulations, trade sanctions or embargoes, including:
- U.S. Export Administration Regulations
- U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions programs
- European Union
- Canada’s Area Control List
- UK Business and Trade
It is the customer’s sole responsibility to ensure they comply with the applicable export control regulations, trade sanctions, or embargoes.