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Laurie Ruettimann

Laurie Ruettimann

Author; Speaker; Host, Punk Rock HR Podcast


Laurie Ruettimann is an HR leader-turned writer, speaker, and entrepreneur known for her common-sense style and straightforward approach to workforce issues. Her popular podcast, Punk Rock HR, regularly hits the Top 100 management and business podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and Pandora. For over 20 years, Laurie has been telling work-life stories and building solutions to drive better employment experiences, increase retention rates, and improve job satisfaction. CNN recognized Laurie as one of the top five career advisers in the United States, and her work has been featured by NPR, The New Yorker, USA TODAY, the Wall Street Journal, and Vox. Her latest book is Betting on You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career. 

What she’s passionate about: Being an animal rescue advocate and a cat/dog foster.