The new Performance Review profile page provides a user-friendly process that breaks down the configuration process in a more digestible way. The configuration wizard is designed to simplify the process of creating your review profiles. Enjoy fewer options to configure results in fewer clicks and with time saved for admins. Additionally, the wizard offers more visibility into your performance review period with a new timeline view. You may also notice that the view looks familiar as it resembles the end-user checklist and benefits enrollment views, making it easy to use for navigation. So are you ready to start using it?

Turning on the new option
To get started, you’ll need to turn on the Performance Review Profile Wizard for your organization in your UKG Ready® solution. Simply navigate to your Company Setup (Global Setup > Company Setup) and select the HR tab. There you’ll find the HR Settings widget with the new checkbox for Use New Performance Review Profile Wizard. Once activated, the new menu option opens for you to configure your profile using the wizard under your Performance Review Setup (HR Setup > Performance Review > Performance Review Wizard).
The Setup
The wizard is broken down into different task areas to help you easily tackle each step. As you progress through the setup, you’ll see the progress bar get closer to the completion of building your profile. Let’s take a closer look at each of the task sections.
Basic Settings - Here, you define the basic settings such as the profile name, description, review reason, profile relationship type (parent profile or sub-profile), and define the Performance Review Workflow the process will follow.
Enable Features - This is where you select which primary features will be part of the review, including your Competencies and Goals and the ratings and weight percentage breakdown for both. You can also determine who can add comments and goals during the review process. Don’t forget you can configure Custom descriptions to help explain your different Competencies. Other features that can be turned on include Peer Feedback, electronic signature, reviewer rejection, and HR Action workflow.
Ratings - You can define what ratings are part of the review profile, add new ones, select rounding and grading features, and select who the ratings are available to.
Instructions - Help your employees and managers through the review process by providing instructions so they can understand your process, the different components and features of the review, and what to expect from them and others as part of the overview review period.
Printing Options - Simple print settings are available here, and you can define what items print on a PDF version of the review, including the review details and signatures. You can also provide a signature message that will appear when each Reviewer or Reviewee completes the review process.
Visibility - This section lets you define your overall visibility settings and determine whether certain features are visible for the Reviewee, Reviewer, and Finalizers. You can also create custom labels for each section of the review and provide visibility settings within tabs, including Comments, Base Compensation, Job information, Review Results, and the Review Summary.
Review Period - The last section of the configuration process provides a new timeline component feature so you can visualize when certain pieces of the review process will happen—from the time the review period starts until it ends and all the processes in between. You can also define the frequency of the review period.
But don’t worry, if you need to make changes to the configuration after the review period has begun or the review has been initiated, you can apply the profile changes to your scheduled reviews. You can also apply the options settings to reviews as well. These changes can be done directly from the profile configuration screen with just a click of a button.
One important thing to note is that your current profiles created in the original Performance Review Profile configuration will not carry over into the new wizard. So, you do need to configure your profiles in the new wizard view, but with the new easy walkthrough, it should be an easy transition.
To learn more about the new Performance Review Profile Wizard, explore the June 2023 (R87) release notes in your Online Documentation portal inside of the UKG Ready solution under My Info > Help > Online Documentation.