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Tracking Professional Labor with UKG AutoTime Datasheet

Professional labor is a big part of a manufacturing project's total labor costs. UKG AutoTime™ helps manage costs and ensure compliance.

For aerospace and defense manufacturers, in particular, close monitoring of professional labor costs is critical to a project's success, from controlling costs to being in compliance with government contracts. UKG AutoTime can provide detailed labor reporting that helps create accurate bids for future projects and capture allowable expenses for professional labor.

Tracking Professional Labor with UKG AutoTime Datasheet

Some of the UKG AutoTime functionality that supports tracking professional labor and measuring performance includes:

  • Only authorized employees can make activity charges and cross charging is eliminated
  • Both employees and managers must review and approve timecards for accuracy
  • Timecard edits require including reasons and comments
  • Time reporting and timecard edits are backed by a full audit trail
  • Total time accounting requirements are met
  • 9/80 schedule support is provided

Download this informative piece to learn how UKG AutoTime can help complex manufacturers easily and accurately track all professional labor.