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UKG Pro Career Designer Product Tour

Help your people uncover skill gaps, visualize career possibilities, and illuminate a path forward

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Transform your approach to professional growth and development

UKG Pro Career Designer provides your organization with a comprehensive employee development tool that helps to identify each person's unique skills and connects your business needs with employee aspirations. Your people will benefit from organized goal setting, personalized learning, growth exploration opportunities, and a secure, judgement-free place to share their concerns and interests. UKG Pro Career Designer also helps your organization identify leadership candidates, review your employees’ training progress, and structure the milestones needed for effective and open professional development.

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    Empower your people to explore potential roles in your organization with recommended steps they can take.

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    Provide a secure outlet for your team to express their job interests and concerns.

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    Access leadership suggestions within your workforce based on your employees’ stated goals and visions.

Watch this product tour to learn how you can empower your people to uncover gaps in their skills and aspirations, visualize career possibilities, and illuminate the steps they can take to achieve their potential. UKG Pro Career Designer provides the tools and resources you need to cultivate a culture of development for your people and your business.