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The UKG Ready Experience

Simplify and streamline essential HR tasks with UKG Ready

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Provide your people with an unmatched user experience from the moment they log in.

When people love the tools they use at work, they’re more likely to be happy and productive. UKG Ready® provides an unmatched user experience with intuitive, modern, and personalized technology that helps make their day-to-day processes easier.

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UKG Ready offers a welcoming, personalized, and accessible experience from the moment your people log in. Along with an immediate view of their most common tasks, UKG Ready’s intuitive menu and search capabilities quickly guides them to whatever they need, on any device.

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Your organization’s brand is unique and deserves to be consistently displayed in the spaces where you work. UKG Ready allows your people to create their own dashboards – and lets you easily customize the user experience so that that your brand shines through systemwide.

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UKG Ready’s accessibility features include keyboard navigation, appropriate color contrast ratios, compatibility with assistive devices such as screen readers, and zoom capabilities to ensure that everyone in your organization can access the solution equally and complete their tasks with ease.

Watch this product tour to learn how you can simplify and streamline essential HR tasks for everyone. UKG Ready provides your people with innovative, modern, and personalized tools that streamline their tasks and make their day-to-day easier, no matter how or where they work.