The UKG Ready Report Rundown Spring Edition

woman with tablet laptop and printed reports

Another quarter gone by and we’re back again with the latest edition of the UKG Ready® Report Rundown. Ever wondered how your employees prefer to access your UKG Ready solution? Curious to see which two-factor authentication methods they’re using or if they’re signing in on a desktop or mobile device? In this edition of the UKG Ready Report Rundown we’re showing you exactly how to get that type of data and why you would want to use it! 

Here’s the Rundown: 

Your employees access and interact with your solution in many ways. Often, how an employee logins and what device they use comes down to their personal preference. The following three reports provide administrators insight into how their employees are using your solution: 

  • Global Access Report 
  • Two-Factor Request Log Report 
  • Notification Preferences Report 

Let’s dive in! 

Global Access Report 

Depending on your organization your employees probably access your solution one of two ways: through their mobile device or through a desktop. Did you know there is an easy way to see which device employees are using to access the system? The Global Access Report will show information around how an employee logs into the system like, their username, when exactly they logged in, and even if multi-factor authentication (MFA) was required. 

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this report is the Source Type Description column. This is where admins can find key data around how their employees are accessing the system. The Source Type Description column will show whether an employee used a desktop browser, a mobile browser, or the mobile app to log in. And you can filter the login dates for all employees or browse for certain people. 

To gain access to this report navigate to My Reports > System Reports > System Utilities > Global Access

Two-Factor Request Log Report 

MFA has been a hot topic for quite some time. This past year, the UKG Ready team implemented MFA requirements for all our organizations using our solution. For employees who are required to authenticate to gain access to the system, there are many ways they can chose to authenticate. The Two-Factor Request Log Report provides admins a quick view of which employees have requested an MFA code and how they requested to receive it. 

Columns in the report will dive deep into the entire authentication process. Through these columns admins can view: 

  • How many times an employee may be requesting a code
  • When a code was requested, their chosen method of delivery (text, email, etc.)
  • Where the code was sent (phone number, email, etc.)
  • The status of the code (delivered or validated)

This report is a great tool to use to understand how your employees prefer to authenticate into the system and provides context around any issues they may be voicing around MFA. To gain access to this report navigate to My Reports > System Reports > System Utilities > Two-Factor Request Log.

Notification Preferences Report

As mentioned above, your employees prefer to access the system in different ways and the same goes for how they wish to be notified. Employees can choose to update and customize their notification preferences in many ways. So, if you’re sending out a broadcast email to all employees but 20% of your employees have opted out of receiving broadcast emails, they’re not receiving the information you’re sending. The Notification Preferences Report provides insight into employees, you guessed it, notification preferences. 

Through this report admins will be able to see an employee’s primary email, home phone number, and cell phone number preferences as well as if they’ve opted in to receive: 

  • Primary email communications 
  • Broadcast emails 
  • Mailbox notifications 
  • SMS messages
  • Broadcast SMS (only applicable for organizations with the Twilio integration) 

You can quickly filter the above preferences to see who might have opted out of receiving notifications. To gain access to this report navigate to My Reports > System Reports >System Utilities > Notification Preferences. 

And that's a wrap on this edition of the UKG Ready Report Rundown. Additionally, don't forget to rely on your fellow admins and experts by participating in the Ready discussion groups available in the UKG Community™. 

We'll see you again next quarter for the next installment of the UKG Ready Report Rundown!