Learn more about NelsonHall’s NEAT Evaluation of digital payroll solutions and explore expert analysis to help guide your payroll sourcing decisions.
Learn more about NelsonHall’s NEAT Evaluation of digital payroll solutions and explore expert analysis to help guide your payroll sourcing decisions.
Automation of the payroll function continues as organizations look to streamline processes, realize greater efficiencies, and improve the employee experience. With ongoing cost pressures, business leaders remain laser-focused on visibility into payroll costs, making robust payroll management a top priority for organizations of all sizes.
NelsonHall, a leading provider research and analysis, has identified UKG as a leader in the digital payroll capability market segment based on the company’s ability to deliver immediate benefits to its payroll services clients — and meet future requirements — by digitizing and transforming payroll operations.
This informative report provides valuable insights into:
This in-depth report can help strategic sourcing managers better understand the digital payroll market and UKG payroll offerings so they can make more informed purchase decisions.